
man dressed as a cowboy about to shoot a rifle

Step back in time every 3rd Sunday of the month (spring & fall) as our club sponsors its ever popular “Cowboy Shoots. Shooters use original and replica firearms to “engage” steel targets for an afternoon of fun. You do not need to be a member to shoot at these events. Everyone welcome! If you need additional information contact Todd Emerich or Coty Emerich at

mid atlantic rimfire series logo

Match director is Aaron Sparrow  484-634-1747
Please contact him with any question or concerns on these matches

steel plate shoot

A day of fun with your handgun or 22 carbine.
When: 4th Saturday every month March through October
Sign up starts 9:15 am      Match starts at 10:00 am
Cost: $15.00 first gun   additional guns $10.00

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